Tuesday 5 February 2013

My Daughters Digital Birth Page - finally complete!

My daugher I just might mention, is actually 14 months now so this has been a long time coming. As always I wanted it to be perfect and the page to connect. I love the colour scheme here of lilac and yellow and the kit was one I purchased from www.designhousedigital.com, the gorgeous little teddy bear embellishments and the little paw prints across the page really make it. This is one I am very pleased with. You know how you often see scrapbook pages that have loads and loads of elements to it and the page looks totally full but all completely connected and fitting. I have been trying to create that look recently on some of my pages but it always ends up a busy ole mess. I'm glad I kept this relatively clear and simple. My wee boy, he was so little when my daughter was born. Actually, she is the age now that he was when she was born. Precious!!

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