Thursday 7 February 2013

Funky Baby - Spray painting in Photoshop

I just love this picture of my daughter, she is such a character. I want to start dabbling more in digital scrapbooking techniques within the program that I use, which is photoshop, and my aim with this layout was to recreate the look of glimmer mist that is commonly used in traditional scrapbooking layouts.

I personally don't have any glimmer mist for using in my traditional scraps but it is something I love in other peoples creations and something I always say to myself that I will invest in one day.

So to create that spray paint effect in photoshop I created a new layer, clicked my brush tool and selected a large soft edged brush. The trick is to change the mode to "Dissolve" and turn the opacity down about 50% and away you go, you can spray till your hearts content.

Photoshop, where will you take me next.........

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